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Chris Allen’s Desk



Just started working at home at the start of May.  I’m surprised it’s not
messier, but you can see the accumulation of stuff starting to build up.
Under the notebook at the bottom left is my old double cassette deck which
I’m using to convert old tapes to MP3s.  Instead of working.

Give it time Chris, give it time.

Benjamin Solah’s Desk



Though used by myself mostly, I cannot claim the desk as my own. It’s also occasionally used by both my partner and housemate. But as you can see, I’ve taken up a lot of space with a cool lamp and candle, trays of paper and boxes of notebooks, as well as whatever random writing I’m working on at the time. I tend to have some childish like red cordial by my laptop as I work.

Thanks Benjamin, if there is one thing we love here at desked it’s cordial.

Andy’s Desk


Andy's DeskHere is Andy’s very clean and tidy desk. Nice to see the colour balance of posters and curtains is alive and well.

Ciara’s Desk


dscf29401That really is just Bop It (2 Extreme!), Gav can solve all the cubes, I just enjoy a good fiddle. Of the cubes. Taken mid me rewriting the Constitution… again.
Ciara x is our home

What a wonderful desk, pellegrino, a holga and Ricks dead eyes staring back at us. Quite tidy though, Wellington will not approve.

Wonderment’s Dreamy Desk….



McCoy’s and hair straighteners…..her secrets are revealed……

Supersimbo’s Super Desk…

Supersimbo's Super Desk...

Supersimbo's Super Desk...

Needs more…..I dunno…..needs more……..mess. I am of the belief that this desk has been tidied……Tell me I am wrong Mr Simbo? Go on I dare ya……

Elfinamsterdam’s Home Desk!

The Elf at home....

The Elf at home....

“My home desk, a corner of the sofa.
Its an IKEA breakfast tray, but it holds all I need and saves the 3rd degree burns to my thighs as I blog/tweet/surf. I can be found here, headphones attached to block out the lunatic upstairs neighbours, internetting till the wee hours!”


Mark’s Desk of Dissent…


img_0109This is where I dissent from mainstream Irish republicanism and get up to all sorts of mischief these days. My laptop is stuffed so the revolution shares space with children and CBBC.

Oh my!

Maxi Cane’s Desk Part I



Maxi sent us in a few different shots of his “desk”, we are going to publish them over the coming days, each picture even more revealing then the next. Watch this space.

Blondefabulous’s recently tidied Desk…

Blondies tidy desk......wont last

Blondies tidy desk......wont last

“I am sure you remember the clusterf%$k that was my first desk I sent in. That has since gone by the wayside and I have new digs! A bit more roomy, not as cluttered, but still totally me!”

We’ll see…….

Zaniac’s Desk…

Zaniac's Desk...

Zaniac's Desk...

Click the piccy for a whole lot more detail…….

The Desk of Tucker Mc Boots

Tucker McBoot's Desk.....

Tucker McBoot's Desk.....

Tucker’s desk got lost in the complicated cataloguing system employed by the monkeys that work for Desked Inc. They have been beaten. Not a lot of oval desks on show these days. We heartily approve…..

Desked and iPhones and nefarious people.


bad iPhone......

bad iPhone……

It has come to my attention, via a very scary email, that if you take a photograph of your desk with an iPhone and then submit that photo to Desked and then I or my good chum Mr Red Leeroy then publish the photo of your desk along with some pithy lines about the tidiness or otherwise of said desk then nefarious people with nefarious minds COULD, with a bit of jiggery pokery, find out where you live or work. And they can do this with frightening accuracy.

Oh my.

The email came from blog chum and photographer, Toast. He can explain the whole thing better than I….

“Ha… when you take a picture with a digital camera, it by default adds in some extended data from the camera, ‘exif’ data, now traditionally this was info to help the photographer such as f-stop used, lens type etc – all very useful, also adding more information for filing – remember that Manchester congestion thingy I rumbled? I did that by looking at the exif data for one of the photos, after seeing ‘mom with kids on white background’ i knew that it was a) America (‘mom’) and b) from a stock agency (‘on white background’) so i went to istockphoto and searched the term and found it… Well I digress, now the iphone also has a gps it puts this info into the exif data as well, thus giving your location away in each photo… its not something I realised until I looked at that photo of yours…[FROM WELL DONE FILLET-NOW REMOVED] maybe worth bearing in mind… there are things that you can do to strip out exif data, and i think, that uploading only to a certain size in blogger might do that.”

He also linked to my place of gameful employment, which was nice. Sorry did I say nice? I meant pant wettingly scary. Anyhoo I thought I should let you all know, just incase you worry bout such things. My advice is probably best not to submit photos to Desked that have been taken with your iPhone. But if you do, you do so at yer own risk.

Seriously, you cant take a poo without someone knowing about it….

The never ending deskage of Sparks…

more desks than Ikea....

more desks than Ikea....

Is that Wall-E? Eh?

The suspiciously tidy Desk of Darren Byrne…



OCD? Eh? Or just a tidy person…….answers please…..

Factotum’s Desk



Who would think that from this mess arises the vacuum, exhibitions and films?

Daisyfae’s Desk…


Daisyfae's Desk...

Daisy says, “ok, technically it’s not a ‘desk’.  but it’s my ‘bubble’.  a cushy chair in the living room.  diet coke, pack of smokes and phone on the end table.  it’s “ground zero” for Trailer Park Refugee, at

i’ve got an ‘official’ desk – where i pile up papers and shit – but i never sit there, and certainly never write there.”

The first winner of the Desked Banner of the month is…



The results were as follows…


thanks to everyone who votes and hard luck to The Sexy Pedestrian and Raptureponies

This result proves what I always thought, we all love a messy desk!


Bananaboots Desk



This is the desk of the gentleman Bananaboots.

This is the place he tells us “Where boots and bananas meet

Alex Leonard’s other desk…(tidy version)

Alex Leonard's other desk (tidy version)

Alex Leonard's other desk (tidy version)

These people with multi monitors…what they use them for? Why so many monitors…..clearly I have monitor envy…..