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Allan Cavanagh’s Desk…

Allan Cavanagh's Desk...

Allan Cavanagh's Desk...

A decidedly sparse desk. What’s that like? I mean, it’s odd……eh

2 Comments leave one →
  1. 12/03/2009 6:56 pm

    I admit I cleared it off. Otherwise you couldn’t see the desk for the rats gnawing on six month old pizza slices and unfinished tax returns.

  2. 12/03/2009 11:27 pm

    What he is couching with his witticisms is that his desk never looks like this. Ever. I’d wager that if you moved the camera slightly to the left or right you would uncover vast mounds of debris and tomes of undifferentiated paperwork swept from the wooden surfaces for the purposes of this terribly misleading photograph. Cleared it off indeed.

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